100 Things That Makes Me Happy

Oftentimes I find myself dwelling on the negatives. I always think that for some reason a lot of us usually focus on things that stress us out or make us anxious, a lot more than we focus on things that make us happy. Here are 100 things that make me happy:

  1. My family (especially my brother). 
  2. Coloring books.
  3.  My dog always seems to be so happy to see me and always lets me torture her with long cuddling sessions.
  4. Online shopping. Sometimes I can’t stand going to the stores, too many people.
  5. Road trips.
  6. Cooking. 
  7. The smell of fresh laundry.
  8. Horror Movies.
  9. Scented candles.
  10. Reading a really, really good book, the kind that you find hard to put away once you start reading it. 
  11. Finding the right song to match my mood.
  12. Take a nap on a rainy day.
  13. Butterflies.
  14. Baileys and ice.
  15. Flossed, brushed, and rinsed teeth.
  16. Writing. Writing in my journal, writing 750 words, writing a blog post, writing an email. Writing out my feelings, my ideas, my worries, my anxieties. Even writing in the middle of the night if I have to — I love it.
  17. Photography. 
  18. Animals. Anything from ladybugs, dogs, fish, owls, guinea pigs, wolves, dolphins- I just love all animals and one of my biggest dreams is to have a huge farm one day (with lots of goats, horses, guinea pigs, sheep, chickens, and cows).
  19. Laughing.
  20. Bubble baths.
  21. Having time to myself to watch a show I like.
  22. Remembering a good dream
  23. Spending time outdoors in nature.
  24. The smell of freshly cut grass.
  25. Halloween.
  26. Christmas.
  27.  Autumn- It’s one of my favorite seasons.
  28. Giving- it’s probably one of the best feelings in the world, being able to give something to someone in need.
  29. Sushi.
  30. Lazy days with pizza, a good movie, and cuddles.
  31. Nice, genuine people.
  32. YOU, reading this ❤️
  33. Ben & Jerry’s Cookie Dough Ice Cream.
  34. Gazing up at the stars on a clear night.
  35. Having a tidy room or house.
  36. Being pampered.
  37. Fairy lights.
  38. Being appreciated.
  39. When I find solutions to problems.
  40. Having my hair stroked or played with.
  41.  Forests. Canopies of leaves, overhead roofs, green for days. Multiple colors of green, a rainbow of greens, bright and neon to dark and seductive.
  42. Remembering the magical parts of my childhood.
  43. Random acts of kindness.
  44. Listening to and watching the rain when I have nowhere to be.
  45. Walking barefoot on grass in summer.
  46. Pinterest.
  47. Inspiring quotes.
  48. Finding ways to celebrate the seasons.
  49. Collecting seasonal nature items.
  50. Luxurious hotel rooms with cotton sheets, fluffy towels, and lovely toiletries.
  51. Fresh sheets with pretty patterns. Nothing like jumping into a bed that has freshly laundered sheets. Growing up I thought my mom was bonkers for washing her sheets every weekend, but now I know why. Not only is it more sanitary, but it’s such a great feeling to climb into a bed with fresh sheets.
  52. Keeping a gratitude diary.
  53. Writing fun lists.
  54. Singing.
  55. Popcorn.
  56. Birds chirping for the first time since Winter.
  57. Having just enough milk for a bowl of cereal.
  58. The smell of rain.
  59. Take the first sip of your favorite drink.
  60. Popping bubble wrap.
  61. Coffee arriving at the perfect drinking temperature.
  62. Waking up on a rainy day and realizing you have no responsibilities.
  63. Hearing “I Love You”.
  64. Surprises in the mail.
  65. Plants. Being surrounded by green things either in nature or in my house brings peace of mind and calmness. Not to mention bettering air quality. Additionally, being able to grow things and keep them alive is a simple accomplishment that makes me feel good.
  66. Fields of flowers.
  67. Long hot showers.
  68. Falling asleep to rainstorms.
  69. Going on dates.
  70. Family dinner nights.
  71. Candles.
  72. The smell of a new book.
  73. Feeling organized.
  74. Helping people.
  75. Learning a new skill.
  76. Random compliments.
  77. Payday 💰
  78. Feeling good in an outfit.
  79. Hot chocolate.
  80. Laughing when something is really, really funny.
  81. Crisp winter mornings
  82. Driving.
  83. Traveling.
  84. Thunderstorms.
  85. Creating new playlists on Spotify.
  86. Adventures. I love jumping in the car and going places that I’ve never been…
  87. Tea. Tea is a hug in a mug ❤️
  88. Living in leggings/yoga pants. They go with almost any casual outfit if done right. Also, leggings are stupid comfortable. Stretchy stuff is the best.
  89.  Iced Caramel Coffee.
  90. Milkshakes.
  91. Shared silence. Conversational silence. Understanding the beauty of a pause as rich as the words just spoken beforehand.
  92. Decorating my home.
  93. Having deep conversations with people.
  94. Donuts. If you know me, this girl loves donuts.
  95. The first signs of spring. When the snow melts and the trees bud. Renewal.
  96. Cleaning. It calms me… and I love a clean house!
  97. Organization. I’m crazy about keeping things organized.
  98. Laughing at inside jokes. Being unable to stop laughing. Uncontrollable giggles. Things that make you giggle with their memory, hours and days later.
  99. Essential Oils.
  100. When the sky fades from baby blue to yellow in one stunning moment, just before the sky dips into brilliant indigo and deepens to darkness. The hint of a highlight of the last moment of the sun over the rooftops indicates the near-closing of a day.

What makes you happy?

I hope some of these make you smile too because they are some of my favorite things.  I hope that all of you will take a chance at it too—even if you only write down a few.  Take a minute out of your busy day to write down a few of the things that make you happy. Who knows, that might turn your day around.

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