Simple Ways to add Magic to your Life

While we don’t always have the time for elaborate spells and rituals, it’s surprisingly easy to incorporate your craft into your everyday life by making a few simple changes. The ways you can do this are endless – but here are just a few simple ways to add magick to your daily life:

Set intentions
When you wake up in the morning, take a little time to visualize how you’d like your day to go. Set your intentions. Setting clear intentions is the first step to reaching any goal!

Empower yourself
Speak kindly to yourself, affirm all of your great qualities regularly, and big yourself up! Make yourself feel good. Too often we empower those around us, without taking the time to empower ourselves; yet this can be the most important thing we can do to add magick to our day!

Wear colors to match your intentions
Dress mindfully and wear clothes or accessories to match your intentions. If you need to break bad habits, or banish negativity, wear black. If you’d like to attract good fortune, add something green, etc.

Cleanse your space
Do a simple smoke cleansing using incense, or cleanse by ringing bells to dispel any stagnant energies; however you choose to cleanse, this can be a quick and easy way to raise the vibration in your home and make you feel more grounded and connected.

Read books about the craft
Reading books is an act of self-care, it is time taken just for yourself and is always good for you. In reading about the craft, you are expanding your knowledge while also taking some much-needed time just for you!

Use sigils
Sigils can be used anywhere! Draw them with face cream as part of your daily routine, or in the steam from your shower, add them to plant pots, stir them into your food and drinks, incorporate them into your crafts, etc.

Carry crystals
Each crystal has its own unique vibration and energy; each cell in the human body also has its own energy, and when a crystal is brought close to the body, sensitive people can feel the energies from the crystal, and this can help to bring their own energy into balance. Choose a crystal that you feel can help with any issues you are facing.

Write in your Grimoire/Book of Shadows
Whatever you call yours, these books are a place for you to inscribe your successful spells, recipes, rituals, etc., and all the valuable information, thoughts, and ideas you gather as you travel your path. Handwritten books have the added advantage of actually holding power and energy in their pages! It’s good practice to approach your book when you are feeling happy and relaxed, and ensure the energy put into your words is the energy you’d like to feel each time the pages are opened!

Light candles and set intentions
Candle magick can be as simple as lighting a candle and setting an intention. There doesn’t have to be a whole ritual worked around this – a simple white candle and a firmly set intention can still be powerful magick!

Make witches’ brews and bath potions
Add magick to your tea or your bath water by using herbs that work with your intention. As an example, a nice jasmine and rose tea can become a love brew, or can be added to a ritual bath for love.

Express Gratitude
Gratitude is a form of magic. I started writing gratitude lists many years ago when I was going through a particularly rough time. It was amazing how much it lifted my mood and helped me realize all the great things about my life. I still write gratitude lists almost every day in a journal on my iPad, even if they’re just mini lists. They’re especially helpful on those grumpy days or when you feel lacking. Expressing gratitude helps us focus on the present moment and appreciate everything we already have. After all, everything you now have was something you once wanted. At the end of your day, write a gratitude list. It doesn’t have to be long or complicated. Think of three things you loved about the day and write those down.

Practice Forgiveness
If you’re holding grudges you’re not hurting anyone but yourself. It’s kind of like you’re keeping yourself prisoner. I like one of the exercises Janet Connor uses in her book “The Lotus and the Lily”: close your eyes and see yourself walking through a prison. Everyone behind bars is people you have not been able to forgive. One by one, say, “I forgive you,” and release them. Forgiving doesn’t mean you condone whatever the person did to you. It doesn’t mean what they did is excusable. It means letting go so that you can move on with your life. They’ve probably moved on. Why wouldn’t you grant yourself that same freedom? By forgiving, you’re taking back control and defining your life in a new, more positive way. Practice the forgiveness exercise above, as many times as you need. See how you feel after releasing those feelings and forgiving those people behind bars.

Perform Acts of Kindness
Whether it’s an act of kindness that’s recognized or something in secret, promoting others’ happiness gives us the warm fuzzies. And there are so many ways to do it! Buy lunch for the homeless; slip positive affirmations in library books for people to find; give a flower to a random person; volunteer; bake cookies for your elderly neighbor; offer to pet sit for free. Making someone else’s day brightens our own. Think of one thing you can do this week to brighten someone’s day. Then do it!

Just Be You
The comparison game is frustrating. Trying to be everyone else is tiring. You can only be you, and that is enough. It’s more than enough! When you ease into who you are, things flow. You are weird/beautiful/wild/loving/gentle/daring/creative and that is amazing! What is even more amazing is that there is only one of you and there will only ever be one of you. Celebrate that. Write yourself a love letter. Describe everything that amazes you about YOU.

Look for Everyday Magic
Magic is all around us. Sometimes you have to look a little deeper, but it’s there. Living poetry. The flicker of candle flames, the way the earth smells after it rains, the texture and color of flowers, even weeds. It’s all magical when you stop to look/smell/touch/taste it. Find a small bit of magic in your day and write about it in a form that is comfortable for you (journal, poem, blog post, list, etc.)

Give Yourself Little Luxuries
Even if you’re on a strict budget, you can allow yourself a luxury here and there. It’s like being on a diet and restricting yourself from sweets for six months. At some point, you’re really going to crave sweets and if you deny yourself every time, you’re missing out on some major happiness points. Little luxuries can be moments purchases or experiences. Maybe it’s lighting a candle and giving yourself 10 minutes to daydream or journal. Maybe it’s a bouquet of peonies (my favorites) that you place on your bedside table. Maybe it’s walking through the park and taking photos. Think of something you’ve been denying yourself or something that you’ve really wanted, but haven’t gotten around to yet. Now allow yourself to have it. It’s okay.

Photo credit: Karly Santiago on Unsplash

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