Farewell Ritual for a Pet/Familiar – How to Celebrate Your Pet’s Life With a Wiccan Ritual

As a practicing Wiccan, I know that it is uncommon to perform funeral rituals. We believe in reincarnation and strive to be happy that our beloved has crossed over to Summerland. This is not always easy to achieve, so first, if you are reading this post let me say that I am sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is not an easy thing, but celebrating the connection that you and your pet had may lessen your grief. As you all know, I lost my cat Sunny on June 5th, 2024, but he’s not the first pet I had to say goodbye to. There was Lucky, he was a stray dog, he was 12 years old, and he died just a couple of months before my father died on 24 January 2004. Then there was Baby, an 11-year-old Maltese, who had to be put to sleep because he had cancer, he died in September 2017. Now, Sunny. My beloved little cat.

For many people, including me, pets are like family. They share in our joy, comfort us without words, and are companions on our journey. Losing a familiar, like losing any other family member, can be a devastating blow.

How to Celebrate Your Pet’s Life

I will outline everything you need to give your beloved pet a proper sendoff. From setting up an altar to an easy four-step ritual itself, this article will help you find both closure and comfort.

Arranging the Altar

There is no right or wrong way to arrange your altar. Use the suggestions below if you wish, but don’t be afraid to add special touches or eliminate anything. Altars are personal—allow yours to reflect you.

Altar Cloth

Use either violet or magenta-colored fabric. Natural fabrics, like cotton, are best, but Goddess is not fussy. Violet is the correspondence for spirituality and the transition from life to death. Magenta corresponds to letting go, changing and transitioning, and moving to a higher plane.

Note: If these colors are not available, white may be substituted. Hold the cloth and imagine it with the characteristics you want it to represent.


Again, use either violet, magenta, or both.

Note: Same as above- if these colors are not available, white may be substituted. Hold the candle and imagine it with the characteristics you want it to represent.


Only one type of incense is needed. Here are some of the most commonly used rituals.

  • Frankincense: Used for rites of passage.
  • Myrrh: Helps connection with true will and gives one courage to follow the soul’s path.
  • Myrtle: For spiritual love and immortality of the soul.

If none of the above is available, sandalwood is a good, all-purpose incense for any ritual.


  • Catnip: Foster’s psychic bond with cats.
  • Elm: Signifies love, light, purification, death, and rebirth.
  • Hawthorn: Signifies the gateway to another world.
  • Verrain: Foster’s inner strength and peace.
  • Bluebell: Signifies funerals and grieving.

The addition of herbs is entirely optional. If used, sprinkle them in the pet’s burial place after the ritual.

Goddess Representation

Cats are sacred to the Goddess. A statue or any other representation of the Goddess can be placed on the altar.


Place the crystal on your altar or hold it during your ritual.

  • Dolomite: Signifies relief from sorrow and peace.

The use of crystals is optional. You can also wear the crystal during your ritual.

Personal Tokens of Your Pet

This can be the pet’s collar, a picture, a favorite toy—whatever you wish to use. Place the token(s) on the pentagram for the ritual.

How to Perform the Ritual

There are four steps necessary to perform this ritual. Before you get started, cleanse your ritual space, cast your circle, raise power, and invite the Four Quarters as you normally do before a ritual. Invoke the Goddess.

A Poem for Your Pet

Run the fields of Summerland

And frolic in the sun.

You’ve earned the right of freedom;

Your work on Earth is done.

Tho’ tears for you may fall like rain,

They are tears of joy mixed in with pain.

My love for you will never end.

Enjoy your time in Summerland, my faithful loving friend.

Step 1. Meditation

Take a few moments to meditate on your pet. Think of the good times the two of you had. Consider how the pet changed your life and what it taught you.

Use this time to reflect on pleasant memories. Remember the day that you first brought your pet home. Think about all the times that your pet showed you love. Call to mind those times when your pet changed your mood when you were feeling sad or down.

Step 2. Gratitude Expression

Talk to your pet. Tell your pet how grateful you are for having shared its life. Thank it for what it taught you. Express your love for your pet. Don’t worry about the words that you use—speak from your heart, just as you would if your pet were in front of you.

Step 3. Prayer to the Goddess

Say a prayer to the Goddess for your pet’s safe passage to Summerland. Thank Goddess for bringing the pet into your life. Again, just speak from your heart.

Step 4. Ritual Closing

If Wine and Cakes are part of your tradition, you can partake now. Close the ritual as your tradition dictates—thank Goddess and the Four Quarters, take down the circle, etc.

After the Ritual

Continue to remember your pet. You can keep memories alive in several ways.

  1. Put together a photo album or scrapbook of favorite pictures of your pet.
  2. Journal about your pet—get those cute stories down before they fade from memory.
  3. You might also consider making a donation to your local animal shelter in your pet’s name.

Each pet brings its own unique kind of joy to our lives. Part of celebrating the life of your pet is recognizing that special happiness that your pet gave you. Long after your pet is gone, your memories will invoke its loyal and loving spirit. Celebrating that spirit will help you achieve closure and peace.

Photo credit: Simon Berger on Unsplash

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