Welcome lovely to the fascinating world of affirmations. Whether you’re new to the concept or have been practicing affirmations for some time, you’re in for a treat. We’ll explore the history of one of the most famous affirmations in the magickal world, “abracadabra,” and how…
Category: Witchcraft
35 Results
How to Cleanse Crystals & Restore Their Energy
Healing crystals are an amazing tool for your self-care and wellness practices. Crystals can help you manifest, remove blocks in energy, and add a little magic to your home. But for crystals to work to their full potential, they must be cleansed first. There are…
Hag Stones: Meaning, Magic & Where To Find Them
If you’re someone who loves collecting magical, sacred items for your altar, a hag stone will make a perfect addition. But what exactly is a Hag Stone, does it have a spiritual meaning, and where can you find these rare, lucky stones? What are Hag…
The Four Elements: Earth, Air, Fire & Water
Magic honors the four elements of the universe, also known as the elements of earth, fire, water, and air. All these elements are necessary for life and work in harmony to create and sustain life. Practitioners, witches, and spell casters use these elements as part…
I’m A Witch. I Believe In Magic. I Do Magic.
Yes, I’m a witch.“Magic is everywhere if you know where to look”. If you open up your heart and your mind to it you will find it in your dreams, in your thoughts, in nature, and everywhere. I don’t practice any form of traditional witchcraft.…