Category: Rituals

8 Results


  • Shadow Work: A Pathway to Self-Love and Healing

    Hello, my fellow witches and seekers of truth! 🌙✨ Today, I want to dive deep into a mystical practice that has been transformational for so many of us on our journey toward self-love and healing: Shadow Work. If you’ve been feeling disconnected from your truest self or weighed down by inner conflicts, shadow work might be the missing key to unlocking deeper healing and transformation. What is Shadow Work? The…

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  • Candle Magick

    The Art of Candle Magic: A Beginner’s Guide Candle magic is a simple yet powerful form of spellwork that has been practiced for centuries. Rooted in various spiritual traditions, it harnesses the energy of fire, intention, and symbolism to manifest desires and bring about change.…

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  • Simple House Blessing & Cleansing

    Cleansing, also known as purification, is the practice of clearing out and releasing negative energy, as well as energy that’s just old, stale, stagnant, or no longer serving you. Some people refer to this as “energetic hygiene” because it’s not just something you do when a…

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  • Using Herbs for Magick

    Herblore or Wortcunning is often closely associated with Witchcraft in the public imagination and indeed many witches are also experts in using plants for magical and healing purposes- but not all. So I just want to say before we begin, that if you’re not into…

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  • How to make Moon Water

    Let’s learn more about the enchanting world of Moon water and the ways it supercharges your witchcraft. Whether you’re a seasoned witch or just dipping your toes into the magical waters, harnessing the power of the Moon and its cycles can add a celestial touch to your craft.…

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