Cleansing, also known as purification, is the practice of clearing out and releasing negative energy, as well as energy that’s just old, stale, stagnant, or no longer serving you. Some people refer to this as “energetic hygiene” because it’s not just something you do when a…
A to Z of Witchcraft – Terminology, Definitions & Glossary
Witchcraft has a unique and fascinating lexicon. If you are new to witchcraft, it can be a path paved with confusion. Some of the terminology used may leave you unsure or even overwhelmed. With this in mind, we have created this guide to the most…
How to: Infused Oils
Infused oils bring herbal goodness into a carrier oil base. The oil can later be used as a base for a salve or it can be used alone as a massage or moisturizing oil. Infused oils can also be used in cooking (see warnings) and in ritual…
Using Herbs for Magick
Herblore or Wortcunning is often closely associated with Witchcraft in the public imagination and indeed many witches are also experts in using plants for magical and healing purposes- but not all. So I just want to say before we begin, that if you’re not into…
Witchy Garden
I think every witch should grow a garden. It puts you in touch with energies and cycles that people who don’t garden just don’t know about. If you grow food or magical or medicinal herbs, they are just that much more potent from the energy…
Samhain: A Feast for the Dead
It has finally arrived, the best, most wonderful day of the year! Yes, my magical friends, it’s 31st of October. And that means it’s time to celebrate Samhain! It is time for the Witches’ New Year and Samhain! What is Samhain? Samhain, meaning ‘end of summer’ goes…