• Series to Watch: The Nurse

    It centers on a newly graduated nurse, Pernille Kurzmann, who begins a new job in a hospital in Denmark and believes a top nurse is killing her patients. You can watch it on Netflix. The Netflix synopsis reads: “One early morning in March 2015, the…

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  • Danish Easter Traditions

    Have you noticed the colorful flowers popping up everywhere? Vintergækker (snowdrops), erantis (winter aconite), and påskeliljer (daffodils) are blossoming, and after a long dark winter, the small flowers get Danes very excited. It is also a lovely reminder that spring is just around the corner.…

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  • Ostara Altar Ideas

    Ostara is a celebration of the regenerative power of life. Major themes of this holiday include fertility, renewal, and rebirth. While winter is a time for reflection and deep contemplation, the Spring Equinox inspires us to focus on our creative spirit.   If we contemplate our…

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