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Turning 40: 40 Things I’m Grateful For

Today, I turn 40. I won’t lie, it’s an emotional milestone for me. There’s something about leaving behind your 30s and stepping into the next decade that feels heavy, bittersweet, and hopeful all at once. It feels like time has flown by, yet at the same time, I’m filled with so many memories and experiences that have shaped who I am today.

As I reflect on this chapter of my life, I’ve been thinking a lot about gratitude. It’s the little things that make life beautiful, and turning 40 feels like a perfect moment to pause and appreciate everything that’s brought me to this point. So, here’s a list of 40 things I’m incredibly grateful for:

P.S.: The items are listed randomly, not by likeness/preference.

  1. My Family – The unwavering support, love, and laughs.
  2. My Health – Grateful for my body and the strength it gives me every day. I’ll never forget how my body fought and overcame cancer. The journey was hard, but it made me stronger, more resilient, and even more grateful for each healthy day I was given.
  3. My Friends – They’ve been my lifelines, my shoulder to lean on. They make my life richer.
  4. Nature – A walk in the park, a quiet moment by the ocean, the simple beauty of a sunset or sunrise.
  5. Laughter – It’s the best medicine, and I’ve had plenty of reasons to laugh, even when life is hard, I try to see the “good” in everything.
  6. Music – The soundtrack to my life, from the songs that lift my spirit to the ones that make me cry.
  7. My Home – It’s my sanctuary, filled with warmth and comfort. And lots of plants ♥
  8. The Little Moments – A cup of tea on a rainy day, the smell of fresh flowers, a quiet morning. Birds chirping outside. My dog with her pretty eyes and cute smile.
  9. Growth – Looking back at how much I’ve grown emotionally and mentally over the years.
  10. The Challenges – They’ve taught me resilience and strength.
  11. Misty – Her unconditional companionship and love, always offering comfort and happiness.
  12. Love – The romantic kind and the unconditional love. Both given and received.
  13. Freedom – The ability to make my own choices and follow my own path.
  14. Books – They’ve taken me on countless adventures, giving me perspectives and wisdom.
  15. The Lessons from Mistakes – Every wrong turn has led me to where I am now, stronger and wiser.
  16. The Quiet Moments – Sometimes silence speaks louder than words.
  17. Travel – Exploring new places and cultures, broadening my horizons.
  18. Self-Acceptance – Learning to love myself for who I am, flaws, and all.
  19. The Comfort of Routine – A little structure in life brings peace to my soul.
  20. My Sense of Humor – Being able to laugh at myself and the absurdities of life.
  21. Courage – The courage to try new things and take risks, even when I’m scared.
  22. A Good Night’s Sleep – Waking up refreshed and ready to face the day is something I never take for granted.
  23. The Beauty of Aging – Learning that age is just a number, and wisdom comes with every year.
  24. The Power of Positive Thinking – Shifting my mindset to focus on the good, no matter how challenging things may seem.
  25. Kindness – Both the acts I receive and those I’m able to give.
  26. Opportunities – The doors that have opened and those yet to come.
  27. Failures – The stepping stones to success, teaching me perseverance and determination.
  28. The Ability to Reflect – Taking time to look back and see how far I’ve come allows me to appreciate my growth.
  29. The Feeling of Accomplishment – Completing a goal, no matter how small, fills me with pride and joy.
  30. The Ability to Dream – Even at 40, I still dream big, and that keeps life exciting.
  31. My Strength – I’ve weathered storms, and I’m stronger for it.
  32. Acts of Kindness – Whether big or small, they remind me of the good in the world.
  33. The People Who Inspire Me – Those who lead with passion, kindness, and authenticity.
  34. Quiet Evenings – When the world slows down and I can truly unwind.
  35. The Feeling of Accomplishment – Every time I cross something off my to-do list or achieve a goal.
  36. The Art of Letting Go – Learning to release things that no longer serve me, making space for peace and joy.
  37. The Power of Reflection – The moments when I can look back and see how far I’ve come.
  38. The Power of Forgiveness – It frees me from holding on to hurt and opens the door for peace.
  39. The Hope of What’s To Come – I’m excited for the future and the many adventures ahead.
  40. My Own Journey – 40 years of life, love, laughter, and learning. I’m proud of who I am and the woman I’m becoming.

Being Alive – The ultimate gift
Turning 40 has me feeling emotional, and I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s the weight of time or the realization that I’ve lived through so much already. But more than anything, it’s the realization that there’s still so much more to do, experience, and learn. I have goals and dreams that I’m determined to reach. The next decade holds so much promise, and I can’t wait to see what’s in store.

Here’s to 40, and to the countless little things that make life so beautifully rich. Thank you, life, for all of it. I’m so grateful ♥

Photo by Shamblen Studios on Unsplash

Featured photo created with A.I.

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