38 Great Things About Turning 38
Today I’m celebrating my 38th birthday! In celebration of my 38 years, here are 38 things I’ve learned throughout the years I wanted to share with you!
Damm, 38 years old… That’s 2 years from 40… …12 years from 50… and a quarter of the way to hot flashes, gray hair, and saggy boobs. Oh wait, I already have those ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) -this post might have the same items as last year, yes I’m that lazy-
- Live a healthy lifestyle. It is true that your metabolism slows down as you get older. (Mine pretty much has gone on a permanent vacation since I turned 30!) The choices you make about what you eat and if you exercise really do make a difference!
- Your definition of love changes as you get older. That hot, fiery beginning of love is great, but if there’s nothing to sustain that fire, it will go out. Find someone who you truly enjoy being with, you can laugh with, and cry with.
- Blood doesn’t make or define a family, unconditional love does. Sometimes families are torn apart by greed, jealousy, anger, or other reasons. A real family is those people who love you despite your flaws and love you through it all. Don’t forget to return the favor!
- You’re old enough to remember when life was harder, and you’re too young to have forgotten how subpar the “good old days” actually were. You can appreciate progress. Two words: dial-up internet.
- Friendships change. Friends come and go as marriage, divorce, job changes, moves, and children happen.
- Learn how to manage your money when you’re young. Money is a tool. Once you learn to use it as a tool instead of letting money control you, life gets a lot easier.
- You’ve finally reached full brain maturity. This explains your 20s. Forgive yourself.
- Take vacations. Many people wait until they are older to travel. Guess what? There are just as many expenses when you’re older as you have when you’re young. Even worse, sometimes as you age, your health fails and you can no longer get around like you could when you were younger. Pay with cash and travel. See the world. Broaden your horizons. Make memories.
- Don’t waste your time worrying about what other people think about you. Do your best, be a good person, and live your life. Life is too short to worry about things out of your control. People who care about you accept you for yourself, those who don’t are missing out.
- Learn to say that you are sorry. It takes a big person to step up and apologize. Be the brave one, you might save a relationship.
- If you keep staring at a person when they stop talking, they’ll start talking again. It’s very unnerving.
- Take chances. Playing it safe can lead to a life of regrets. Don’t be someone who played it so safe that you look back on your life and wish you had been brave enough to follow your heart.
- Learn how to take care of yourself. Practice self-care. Sometimes the only way that you are going to be taken care of is by doing it yourself. Read, write, and do those hobbies that you love. Don’t forget that you are worth it!
- Never be afraid to talk to other people. You never know what you’ll learn from them.
- You are not too old to make a change. I remember when I was 20 thinking 38 was old. It’s not. Trust me!
- Surround yourself with people who make you a better person.
- Do what you’re passionate about for long hours. Even when Dream Killers call you crazy.
- Life is like a roll of toilet paper: the closer you get to the end, the faster it goes.
- Write down your goals. People reach their goals more often when they write them down.
- Read more than you watch television.
- Take lots of pictures! When memories fade, you’ll have proof they really happened.
- Never stop learning. The exciting part of life is learning new hobbies and interests.
- Sometimes you don’t discover your best talents until later in life.
- The moment is all there is. All our worries and plans about the future, all our replaying of things that happened in the past — it’s all in our heads, and it just distracts us from fully living right now. Let go of all that, and just focus on what you’re doing, right at this moment. In this way, any activity can be meditation.
- Be grateful. Practice gratitude journaling. Say, thank you. Mean it.
- Give back. Each of us needed help somewhere along the way.
- Some people are users. Find friends that support you and support them back. Let the others go.
- Know your priorities. Don’t be afraid to say no to something that’s taking time away from those priorities!
- You can invest everything you have into a relationship and still have your heart broken. Sometimes it’s not your fault. There are no guarantees with people.
- Be trustworthy. Don’t spread gossip. You never know who you are going to hurt by doing so!
- If you find yourself swimming with all the other fish, go the other way. They don’t know where they’re going either.
- Be yourself. You are uniquely created by a wondrous God. The world needs more of you.
- Smile. Life might not always be easy or fun, but it costs nothing to smile.
- The less stuff you own, the easier it is to keep a clean home. Clutter results in extra, extra time spent trying to find something, extra time cleaning and taking care of things, and extra money buying duplicates because you can’t find the first. Keep the things you love.
- There are few joys that equal a good book, a good walk, a good hug, or a good friend. All are free.
- Sex is better
- Just because something makes you nervous doesn’t mean you can’t or shouldn’t do it.
- Let it go and have some fun. Sometimes we get so caught up in “grown-up” things like our jobs and bills that we forget to have some fun. Live life. 38 years have gone by very fast. Those are words that I never thought that I’d say. Enjoy the ride!
So happy birthday to me! I will celebrate by drinking until I can no more!
Lots of love,