Green Witchcraft Basics
“You are the sister to the wolf and friend to the hawk. You know in your heart the language of the plants and the songs of the wind. You have an innate connection to the wild edges. You know the beauty of the bee in flight, and hear the call of freedom on the horizon. And yet, as you go through your day today, it may be easy to miss the drumcall of the Earth.”
– Wild Woman, The Sacred Pregnancy Journey Deck by Anni Doulter
I start with what is a Witch? I believe Witches to be the wise folk, naturalists, healers, custodians, teachers, storytellers, and spirit warriors. They are the keepers of the secrets, finders of the path, and protectors of all things natural.
A Green Witch is one form of witch. There are many types of witches ~ Eclectic Witches, Kitchen Witches, Hedge Witches, Solitary Witches, Alexandrian Witches, Dianic Witches, Gardnerian Witches, Shamans, Druids, and several others.
Witchcraft isn’t all about toads, newts, and flying on broomsticks.
As a base, all Green Witches are aligned with plants, healing, natural energy, creativity, Mother Earth, and the universe. what is a Green Witch From there, personally, being a Green Witch means having a powerful connection to forests, trees, stones, streams, storms, the four elements, and the spirit within every other being. A belief in the sacredness of all that exists within nature, from seashells and mountains to wrens, wolves, and humans. And an appreciation and honoring of the cosmic energy that connects us all.
Green witchcraft has seen a recent rise in popularity, as evidenced by the publication of popular witchcraft books, specifically the guide The Green Witch: Your Complete Guide to the Natural Magic of Herbs, Flowers, Essential Oils, And More, by Arin Murphy-Hiscock, in 2017.

What is a Green Witch?
At a green witch’s core, Murphy-Hiscock explains, is a naturalist, an herbalist, a wise woman, and a healer. “She embraces the power of nature; she draws energy from the Earth and the Universe; she relies on natural objects like stones and gems to commune with the land she lives off of; she uses plants, flowers, oils, and herbs for healing; she calls on nature for guidance; and she respects every living being no matter how small.” These understandings are captured in the Green Witch’s Book of Shadows, a personalized recipe and spell book that contains herb blends and incantations. Each book is as unique as each witch’s handwriting.
It’s a lifestyle and practice that is all about embracing the Earth’s beauty and harnessing its energies. That’s green witchcraft for you, a remarkable bond between you and Mother Earth. The more lore and respect you pour into this relationship, the more rewards you reap. Doesn’t that sound magical to you?
From the rustle of leaves to the rhythm of the seasons, everything in nature holds a bit of magic. Green witches resonate with this energy, learning from plants, weather, crystals, and even the cosmos! As we delve into this practice, let’s remember that the Earth’s wisdom is boundless and so is our potential to learn.
A common question that often arises: Is green witchcraft a religion? The answer is no, it’s not a religion. It’s a spiritual path open to all, irrespective of religious or cultural backgrounds. Whether you are a Christian, Catholic, or follow any other religion, green witchcraft warmly welcomes you.
Now, if you are wondering, “Is Green Witchcraft for me?” Let’s tackle some common misconceptions together. You see, witches are not just hermits living in the deep woods. You can be a Green Witch in the heart of a crowded city, rocking high heels or a business suit. Green Witchcraft isn’t against modern conveniences or advancements. It’s a beautiful balance of embracing nature and human potential.
Do you feel like you couldn’t possibly be a Green Witch because you can’t keep a plant alive? Well, your relationship with nature isn’t defined solely by your gardening skills. You might have other ways of celebrating nature. Green Witchcraft is all about your connection with nature.
Here is another common myth we can bust: “Witchcraft is evil.” Far from it! Most modern witches are not satanic or anti-Christian. Did you know that Christian witches, Muslim witches, Jewish witches, and even atheist witches exist? Witchcraft can complement your religious beliefs, providing another spiritual dimension to your life.
Last but certainly not least, let’s clear this one: “Only women can be witches.” That’s just not true! Regardless of your gender identity or expression, you’re welcome in the world of Green Witchcraft (or any other kind of craft). This practice doesn’t come with a dress code or a rulebook. It’s all about your bond with nature and how you choose to express it.

The term “Witch” carries quite a history. Over centuries, individuals self-proclaimed or falsely accused as witches were persecuted and punished harshly. Many chose to identify themselves as midwives, wise men or women, healers, herbalists, shamans, apothecaries, or medicine men or women to avoid scrutiny. This was a time when what we now label as folk magic was just an everyday practice. These brave souls are our spiritual ancestors, the historical predecessors of the modern Green Witch.
They were healers, well-versed in the medicinal properties of plants and foods. They provided spiritual counsel and guidance to their communities. By acknowledging their legacy, we understand our place in this continuum of those who’ve utilized Earth’s power to heal and nourish the body, mind, and spirit.
Green Witchcraft shares its roots with Kitchen and Hedge Witchcraft. While all three pathways honor the Earth and use her gifts for healing, Green Witches are especially attuned to the plant kingdom. Kitchen Witches bring a homey twist, incorporating everyday items into their magic, while witches journey into dreams and astral realms.
Contrary to popular belief, science, and witchcraft aren’t foes but can be harmonious allies. Technology can indeed help us connect with nature more profoundly. From maintaining a digital journal of your experiences with plants, and identifying various species in the wild, to harnessing green technologies like solar and wind power, the modern Green Witch has numerous tools at her disposal.
How To Be a Green Witch
There’s no initiation, no governing body. Your journey is yours to undertake. Learn from books, join the community gardens, study herbalism and geology. The possibilities are endless! The world of Green Witchcraft is a place of inclusivity, respect, and understanding. These witches are similar to healing ancestors such as druids and shamans. It’s a personal and spiritual journey, guided by the wisdom of nature. Are you ready to start yours?
You might be a green witch if:
- You love making your own ritual tools from found objects in nature and often planning for the energies contained within them.
- You consider the source of objects and bring awareness regarding ethically sourced minerals, endangered herbs, and other such environmental impacts.
- You feel nature’s cycles and rhythms and can see the life, death, and rebirth in them.
- You ask permission from any plants or animals you wish to partner with. Saying thank you, then leaving offerings when harvesting herbs or calling upon Animal Spirits.
- You have a deep reverence for Nature and the forest feels is your sacred temple.
- Prefer quiet places in nature
- Are easily influenced by the weather
- Feel a strong connection to plants and animals
- Have vast knowledge of herbs and their properties
The universe talks to us in myriad ways. Maybe it’s the falling leaves during meditation, a weed flourishing against odds in your front yard, or the whispering winds that carry secrets of magic. They all hint towards the presence of magic in the subtlest things around us.
Spend time in nature
Get to know the genius loci in your area and spend time in nature. Green witches spend a lot of time outside. In most cases, they live close to or directly in a forest.
By getting to know what is around you, you can begin to harness the energy needed to be a Green Witch. Spend time outdoors as much as possible. Feel free to take notes, and photos, or write down your thoughts about the elements of nature you are encountering. It’s all about creating a connection with what surrounds you.

Record your experience
You can use a journal or other kind of notebook to collect your thoughts on the flora around you, including dreams, observances of nature, the types of plants around you, and the properties of each plant that can be used as medicine.
This journal will act as a release and teacher for the information you need to know. Always keep it close by to ensure that nothing will get left unwritten along your journey.
Fill Your Space with Flora and Greenery
The world of the Green Witch is also a verdant one, which means you’ll want to have flowers on hand.
Herbs and plants play a key role in the magical spells you may conduct. That’s why it’s important to begin growing your own items with which you can work.
There’s no need to go crazy with it — start small with pots, bags of seeds, soil, and a watering can. You’ll want to pick a spot that gets a lot of sunlight.
Create a green altar to honor local land spirits
This step can be done in your home or in the woods where you feel most at one with nature. Don’t be afraid to get creative with this — just make sure it’s something you admire.
Feel free to begin with a small shelf and add objects that represent the elements of water, earth, fire, and air. Then, put in greenery that is symbolic of your favorite trees or plants.
Get comfortable with herbalism
A Green Witch has a deep love for plants, herbs, and animals — whatever is naturally found in nature. It’s believed that green witches use all of these elements for magical spells.
Learning to work with herbs can be tricky at first. Nonetheless, it’s a huge part of becoming a Green Witch.
Start with a few small herbs that are easy to understand and learn about them. You can even try using them in tea, energy medicine, or for casting spells. It’s also important to familiarize yourself with their medicinal properties. Once you feel comfortable with a small set of herbs, move on to learning about others.
Form a connection with the Green Man and the Sidhe
The Green Witch stems from pagan beliefs, which have strong roots in nature. Green Witches have a close connection with nature and all things green, gain energy from being within the forest, and practice magic with the use of herbs and plants.
Since you’ll be outside in nature for many of your days, you will probably come across the Green Man. He is believed to be the protector of the forest.
Along the way, you may encounter the Sidhe, also known as fairies. Similar to the way you act with the Green Man, be vigilant of Sidhe’s power over your garden.
Practice green magic
As you become more accustomed to the herbs and plants you grow, you can begin to practice green magic.
You should already have many of the materials needed to get started right away. These could be herbs and spices such as cinnamon, oregano, pepper, cumin, basil, sage, and thyme. It shouldn’t take too much time or money to gather what’s needed to start practicing your magic.
Make being outdoors a lifestyle
Green Witches are energized when they are under the trees and close to nature, feeling its force among them.
Green Witches possess an emphasis on ecology. Trusting that the planet was created for them, Green Witches feel responsible for taking care of the earth to ensure it still exists for future generations.
The Green Witch’s environment is heavily influenced by the reflection of Gaia, Mother Earth, Yemaya, or God. Their power will only be strengthened if they continue to immerse themselves in nature.
Continue to connect with the earth and its elements to ensure that you’re on the right path, can clean your aura, and get rid of the energy you don’t need. Stay grounded and focused on the great benefits of becoming a Green Witch.
Best Books To Become A Green Witch
For additional reading on how to become a green witch, these books are incredibly helpful in getting started.
- “The Green Witch: Your Complete Guide to the Natural Magic of Herbs, Flowers, Essential Oils, and More” by Arin Murphy Hiscock
- “Grimoire for the Green Witch: A Complete Book of Shadows: by Anna Moura
- “Green Witchcraft: A Practical Guide to Discovering the Magic of Plants, Herbs, Crystals, and Beyond” by Paige Vanderberk
- “Green Witchcraft: Folk Magic, Fairy Lore & Herb Craft” by Anna Moura
Featured Photo by Sofia Holmberg on Unsplash