Cold temperatures are tough on everybody. But for individuals with fibromyalgia, whose symptoms include chronic, widespread pain, the big freeze is especially difficult to endure. One possible explanation is that cold weather keeps many people less active, leading to physical de-conditioning that can contribute to…
Tag: Fibromyalgia
12 Results
Open Letter from a Person with Chronic Pain
Chronic pain is not like other medical issues—it cannot be seen or measured, and there is no set protocol to “make it better.” The unique and complicated factors that characterize chronic pain make it difficult to communicate what you are going through. So, what can…
5 Things You Should Know About Chronic Pain
If you suffer from chronic pain, it’s important that your friends and family know what you’re going through. With this in mind, here are 5 things to know about chronic pain that you can share with your loved ones: 1. Chronic pain is real People…
This Is For The One’s Fighting Silent Battles
This one is for everyone trying their best to heal from things they don’t speak about. This one is for those fighting their battles in silence, no matter the reason. For every demon I have faced, I still sit in silence trying to fight the…
What It’s Like to Work with Chronic Illness
It’s 6 AM and your alarm is going off. You hit the snooze button, hoping for a few more minutes of sleep before you drag yourself out of bed. This is a morning routine most people are familiar with. But for workers with chronic illness,…
Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired
I’m tired. No, that’s not even the word. I’m fatigued, exhausted, drained. I’m tired in a way that can’t be fixed with a good night’s sleep. I’m tired of reintroducing myself and my mental illnesses. I’m tired of being asked, “How are you?” And not…